PD Editorial: With COVID surging, consider a mask sometimes
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PD Editorial: With COVID surging, consider a mask sometimes

May 26, 2023

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and don’t necessarily reflect The Petaluma Argus-Courier editorial board’s perspective. The opinion and news sections operate separately and independently of one another.

COVID-19 is on the upswing again. That has some businesses and individuals taking prudent precautions against contracting and spreading the virus. Can we all take a deep breath and agree not to make it a thing this year?

Because fewer people are testing, it’s hard to pin down how many people actually have the virus these days. What California does know is that among those who do take tests and report the results, the positivity rate is increasing. As of Aug. 12, the most recent date for which data were available, the seven-day positivity rate hit 10.1%. That’s up from just 3.4% in early May. Here in Sonoma County, the rate was even higher at 13.4%.

Sadly, hospitalizations and deaths are easier to track. Nationwide, hospital admissions for COVID were up 21.6% from mid-July to mid-August. The death rate, meanwhile, has trended up 8.3% in the past couple of months.

An annual COVID pattern is emerging. Low rates in the spring and early summer give way to a surge in midsummer. Then comes a fall decline followed by an even higher winter peak. Think of it as following flu season with a bonus preseason in July or August.

At least things aren’t as bad as they were during the height of the pandemic. Vaccinated people now help curb transmission in the population at large. Full lockdowns and school closures aren’t in the cards.

Even if things are better, it’s hard to fault anyone for taking sensible precautions when the virus is spreading rapidly as it is now. Kids are back in school and liable to bring viruses home with them. Travelers board buses, trains and airplanes where they share air with people who might not be particularly cautious about coughing. Workers are in offices where a virus can spread. Public events like concerts and theater performances also are ripe for transmission.

Compounding the challenges is a shortage of testing kits. Good luck finding one in a local pharmacy these days. And even if one takes a COVID test, the results aren’t as reliable as they used to be. False positives remain rare, but virus mutations have caused false negatives to be more common.

If people want to wear masks in those environments, let them. Don’t give them dirty looks, and don’t scoff. Consider trying one on to protect yourself and your family. A properly fitted N95 or KN95 mask can offer a layer of protection not just from COVID but also other seasonal viruses like the flu.

The same goes for businesses that require their employees or visitors to mask up. Kaiser Permanente now requires staff, patients and visitors to wear masks at its local facilities. Hollywood studio Lionsgate also has brought back its office mask mandate. Naysayers should respect the right of private entities to decide. This isn’t a government mandate like the ones that raised hackles during the pandemic.

Vaccination also offers a strong line of defense. Seniors and people with health vulnerabilities in particular should remain on the lookout for new boosters that are expected to receive federal approval in time for the fall. Everyone should plan for an annual flu shot.

Most important of all, if you have a cough, a fever, fatigue, stay home. Don’t risk exposing your friends and co-workers to a virus, be it COVID, the flu or something worse. It’s not worth it.

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The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and don’t necessarily reflect The Petaluma Argus-Courier editorial board’s perspective. The opinion and news sections operate separately and independently of one another.

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